Friday, January 15, 2010


Hey everyone.

So today at 6pm Paraguayan Time I got a phone call from my AFS liason.
Apparently I´m going to my new host family at 8pm today. So I´ve packed up all my stuff. I´m just waiting around until they get here. Next post about my new family.

Update: So far I know I have a host brother named Juan Pablo (21), a host sister named Mariana (16), and two little brothers yet to be met. The house is a smaller house in Cíudad Del Este and my host sister describes it as a humble house, but its home. :)

The car ride over from my old house was a question and answer session. We went through the basics like where I was from, how old I was, and how long Ive been here. They finally asked me the dangerous question. What is my futbol club? I asked them what theirs was first. They replied Cerro Porteño and I said "Oh thank god". People dont mess around about futbol here.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

Hey everyone.
Last night I went to a party to celebrate the new year.
One tradition they have here is that wearing white for new years is good luck.
Also fireworks are a big part of new years.

2010 here goes nothing.