Thursday, November 5, 2009

Phil to C5

Hey everyone,
So the lack of internet at home means I've had limited access to computers over the last couple of weeks. I am currently using one of the machines at the Country Club. They're fairly good but a few things are missing (like the ability to download pictures from my camera or to use a webcam).
Between golf lessons, playing frisbee with the local kids, and the newly added chess games, I'm starting to have something to do. I'm starting to become a regular at the Country Club and a routine is forming.
Things here have gotten hot. During the night it can stay in the 80s so I've quickly learned to adapt to the noise of the air conditioner. This weekend I'm heading to centro to buy some more shorts and some comfortable sandles (If I can find such a thing).
School is almost out for summer. 2 more weeks of school and then I have summer vacation :D .
That's about all for now. Update when I can.


  1. Cool, but you didn't explain the title. Also, where'd you get the Frisbees?

    CAPTCHA: biourgal - v. The purchase of something for a girlfriend. Ex: Did you biourgal that new necklace she's been wearing?

  2. Oops, just re-read and caught the chess part.

  3. um your goin on summer vacation and we are like 6 weeks from x-mas vaction what the heck and that does not seem fair

    by the way what you shotin in golf and have they betten u in chess yet

    talk later

  4. Of course they've beaten me at chess.
    In golf my best shot so far has been 155 yards with a 5 iron after only 4 lessons.

  5. you have aire-acondicionado??? Super genial!! Back in the olden days (1979) my papa didn't believe in a/c, and my sis still only has a window a/c that just doesn't cut it. That's why I can only visit Asuncion during the winter - which is actually quite similar to a Portland summer!
