Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Paraguay Conference Call

Today I received an email with information about my upcoming Paraguay Conference Call. The meeting will allow me to talk with former AFS exchange students who have traveled to Paraguay and they will be fielding questions from all of the students who are going. Glad to hear some news from AFS because it has been very quiet from their end lately.


  1. Phil, good luck in Paraguay. I can tell you it's a really neat country. I've been there six or seven times and my wife is from Paraguay. I'll be interested in following your experience. There are several Peace Corps Volunteers in the country. I highly recommend you read about some of their experiences: here.

  2. Dwayne,
    Thanks for your support. It's really nice to talk to people who have been there and know what it's like. I really enjoyed some of the stories I read from the peace corps. If you would like to follow my experiences please sign up to watch my blog.
