Friday, July 31, 2009

Here in Paraguay.

At about 5:30 we landed in Asuncion, Paraguay.
I´m writing this from a computer in the AFS retreat center.
I would upload a few pictures but this computer will not allow me to get pictures from my camera because I´m not an administrator. Between the USB incompatibilites, the difficulty understanding a computer in Spanish, and trying to figure out a Spanish keyboard I´m having one of the hardest times ever using a computer. Just wanted to let everyone know I´m safe and sound and things here are good. Some pictures to come when I get to a computer that doesn´t hate my camera (I got some great pictures of Chile from the airplane). Thats about it for now.

1 comment:

  1. Everything looks good in your posting.
    That will be necessary for all. Thanks for your posting.
