Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ultimate Frisbee in Paraguay

So yesterday I took my frisbee to school so we could play some frisbee during gym class (which is a lot more like recess than gym). The kids here have never played frisbee and a lot of them really like it. We didn´t play ultimate frisbee but that is probably because a lot of people were either playing football or handball. One of my teachers was telling me that I should talk to the gym teacher and see if we can get a school ultimate frisbee team started. That would be so cool. Only problem would be getting the school some frisbee discs to start a team with.
That´s about it for now.


  1. I'm sure someone could be convinced to ship some frisbees.

  2. Ah! Cultural exchange. A good idea. Why, I bet right now they're wondering 'What is this wonderful sport, Ultimate Frisee?', 'How is it played?', 'What kind of equipment do you need to play Ultimate Frisbee?', and 'I wonder who's ahead in the Ultimate Frisbee Championships?'

  3. @ Mermaldad:
    Oh im sure, but at what price?

    @ Kiwi:
    Well you´ve got part of it right. They were absolutely clueless as to what a frisbee was. The rules are fairly easy for them to follow because they are very simular to the local sport of handball with a few differences like scoring in an endzone compared to scoring in a goal and being able to move with the ball if you dribble.

  4. Wow that is so cool! Yeah I wonder how much that would cost.

  5. I love ultimate frisbee in paraguay!! I think we played everywhere we went with AFS, but by far the craziest was on the tennis courts at the end of stay camp in Ciudad del Este. The Chaco was pretty awesome too, but CDE wins..
